Public Sector Assurance
Efficient delivery of public services
Efficient delivery of public services: case studies, research, etc.
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Case Studies
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Case Studies
46 items
Accreditation: Building confidence in building inspection
Accredited certification on cybersecurity, a must to provide services to Spanish Public Administration
Accreditation for the Efficient use of Water
Swedish Regulator rewards sites with BRCGS Certification
Sustaining accreditation in West Africa through multi-economy accreditation bodies: The Example of SOAC WAAS
New accreditation services for economic growth and environmental assessment
Accreditation, supporting axle load controls in Kenya
US DoD gains energy savings from ISO 50001
Accredited certification used to improve public sector web site and app accessibility
Accredited certification to underpin electronic freight transport information.
ISO 9001 supports the Hungarian Meteorological Service
Value of accreditation in public procurement
Latvian City saves $86k with ISO 50001
The Qualiville French certification helps improve the service quality for municipalities
Sharjah Water and Electricity Water Authority : Global Energy Management System Implementation
Accreditation provides cost effective support for Typhoon
Accreditation: Supporting safe water
How Accredited services have had a positive and practical impact on The National Environmental Laboratory
Using accreditation to underpin technical decisions in Sri Lanka
Ensuring the interoperability of railways
Accreditation Scheme for Bunker Supplies
Quality assurance for professional credentials obtained by members of the Armed Force
Supporting Cork’s regulatory monitoring of industrial and municipal wastewater discharges
Railway safety in Europe
European Space Agency uses ISO 27001 to protect its data
Accreditation supports the delivery of better ‘regulation’ in Sweden
US Office of Management and Budget on the use of Voluntary Standards
DCMA gains certification to four ISO standards
Accredited laboratories supporting genomics to benefit patients in England
Accreditation gives credibility to classification of hotels in France
Global accreditation system core to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
India recognises ILAC and IAF arrangements in its steel regulations
Driving quality through certification at Abu Dhabi University
Abu Dhabi Police embrace ISO certification
Houston Police Department expands use of ISO 9001
Hong Kong Housing Authority specifies the use of certified products and uses certified management systems
Accreditation underpins rail interoperability in Poland
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) operate single Market Regulatory System
Indian aspirations to be the ‘world’s first ISO 9001 certified government
Public sector procurement of ambulances supported by the ILAC MRA
Quality certification supports continuous improvement at UAE Department of Interior
US and UK Police generate savings from accreditation and accredited certification
South African Department of Labour addresses market failure of occupational hygiene inspectors through accreditation.
Accredited Certification: Improving the performance of government departments and agencies
NAO propose the use of accreditation to improve public service delivery
The New Approach in the European Union
29 items
Innovation Dynamics and the Role of Quality Infrastructure – UK (2012)
Insurance association: Standards and Accreditation support risk and add value – UK (2018)
Standards Support Business Competitiveness in Colombia (2018)
The Economic Value of Accreditation in Australia (April 2018)
The Impact of Standardization and Standards on Innovation (November 2013)
Effectiveness of accreditation to support EU Single Market (2013-2017)
Accreditation cited as a tool to achieve ethical regulation
Accreditation plays a significant role in facilitating trade, employment and GDP
Experience in the Market Surveillance of ISO 9001 QMS (UNIDO 2017)
Trade-related International Regulatory Cooperation – A theoretical framework (OECD, 2016)
World Bank Policy National Quality Infrastructure Brief (World Bank, 2013)
National Quality Infrastructure: Vital Link to Global Trade and Investment Competitiveness (World Bank, 2016)
ISO 9001 – Relevance and impact in Brazil (September 2016)
The Value of Accreditation (UK, 2016)
UNIDO report: ISO 9001- Its Relevance and Impact In China
The impact of participation within formal standardization on firm performance
External knowledge sourcing and involvement in standardization-Evidence from the community innovation survey
Exploring Business Benefits of Internationally Recognized Certifications
The National Quality Infrastructure – A tool for competitiveness, trade and well-being (The World Bank, March 2013)
The Economic Value of Standards in the UK (June 2015)
The economic value of standards
ISO 9001:2000 implementation in the public sector: A survey in Macao SAR, the People’s Republic of China
Resolving Information Asymmetrics in Markets: The Role of Certified Management Programs
Self-regulatory Institutions for Solving Environmental Problems: Perspectives and Contributions from the Management Literature
Covenants with weak swords: ISO 14001 and facilities’ environmental performance
Green clubs and voluntary governance: ISO 14001 and firms’ regulatory compliance
A study of compliance with environmental regulations of ISO 14001 certified companies in Korea
Is an environmental management system able to influence environmental and competitive advantage?
ISO 9001- Its relevance and impact in Asian Developing Economies
Supporting Material
35 items
Ensuring Quality to Gain Access to Global Markets (The World Bank, 2019)
Standards for the SDGs
Good governance in developing a quality infrastructure system (UNIDO)
Chinese Accreditation body (CNAS) create Public Sector Brochure
Strategic Roadmap for the Quality Infrastructure of the Americas launched
Directory of accredited CABs in West Africa (August 2017)
The Quality Infrastructure in Grenada
UNECE trade recommendations reference accreditation
The case for accreditation
How do we look for the best quality?
A step by step guide to gaining accreditation
The benefits of a Quality Infrastructure (UNIDO, 2016)
New guide on how accreditation in developing economies can facilitate trade and support sustainable development
Accreditation – an overview
Quality assurance is like an onion – multi-layered
ISO 9001 – what does it mean in the Supply Chain (ISO, 2016)
Accreditation: A tool to support Regulators
UNIDO – Trade Facilitation – smoothing the path to global markets
Standards, metrology and accreditation support Developing Countries
Accreditation: Delivering Confidence in Everyday life
Specifying accreditation in Regulation – the ILAC MRA
The IAF Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (MLA)
Accreditation: Facilitating global trade
How does accredited inspection benefit government and regulators?
The ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA)
How does using an Accredited Laboratory benefit Government and Regulators?
Public sector solutions
A guide for engaging with Government and Regulators
A briefing for European Commission officials
Specifying accreditation in regulation
How does Accredited Certification benefit Regulators
Using and referencing ISO and IEC standards for technical regulations
The ISO 9001 family – Global management standards