Case Study
Accreditation of medical physics and clinical engineering services
The drive to improve the quality of care for patients, whilst delivering efficiency and productivity, is a key objective for NHS England (NHSE), the UK public sector organisation that leads the National Health Service (NHS). Through diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering (MPACE) directly impact the majority of patients and the care and treatment they receive. It is therefore essential that these services consistently deliver high quality care by maintaining the safety and the accuracy of equipment used and ensuring that procedures are evidence based, safe and effective.
UKAS, the UK national accreditation body, was approached by NHSE and the professional body – the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM), to develop accreditation for clinical engineering and physical science services. Accreditation for MPACE services will be against BS 70000.
Further information is available on the UKAS website.