Case Study
Extremadura requires accredited inspection for managing waste in electrical and electronic equipment installations
In order to obtain environmental authorization for electrical and electronic equipment waste storage plants (RAEE), the Assembly of Extremadura require a report by an inspection body, accredited by ENAC, the Spanish accreditation body.
The Royal Decree 110/2015 on electrical and electronic equipment waste (RAEE) requires, for the authorization of specific RAEE treatment installations, a prior inspection by the storage facility’s competent authority, by the reuse preparation centre or by specific treatment to verify that it complies with the requirements of the Royal Decree.
The Royal Decree’s requirements establish that this type of inspection can be performed by the competent body of the region where the facility is located or with the support of duly recognized institutions.
Therefore, the Assembly of Extremadura’s Environmental Department, in environmental authorization for RAEE storage plants, has begun to demand that the installation’s owner provide an inspection report by an inspection body accredited by ENAC in the field of waste. Specifically, in the field of “Checking RAEE management facilities” which certifies, following a prior inspection carried out by the body, that the installation complies with the requirements for RAEE storage established in Royal Decree 110/2015 and the relevant documents on homogeneous minimum criteria published by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and the Environment.
Further information is available on the ENAC website.