The Trade Impact of ISO 9000 Certifications and International Cooperation in Accreditation
While it is widely acknowledged that international standards facilitate trade, much less is known about certification requirements and mutually recognition of certification results. In this paper, the authors examine the impact of ISO 9000 certifications and the multilateral recognition arrangement for international acceptance of ISO 9000 certificates of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF-MLA) on trade in manufacturing goods. Using a gravity model, the authors find that certification intensity-the percentage of ISO 9000 certificated establishments in the manufacturing sector-promotes trade. Signatories of the IAF-MLA significantly trade more with each other and the trade enhancing effect has about the same magnitude as regional trade agreements. The analysis shows that IAF-MLA is most important for ex-porters from less developed countries aiming to access markets in developed countries. For policy makers, the results show the importance of technical assistance for accreditation services in developing countries.
The Trade Impact of ISO 9000 Certifications and International Cooperation in Accreditation (PDF Download Available). Available from:
Knut Blind, Berlin Institute of Technology
Axel Mangelsdorf, BAM Federal Institute of Material Research and Testing, Germany