Driving Factors of Service Companies to Participate in Formal Standardization Processes: An Empirical Analysis
This paper develops theoretical hypotheses about driving factors of service companies to participate in formal standards development organizations at the national, European and International level and tests them based on a sample of German service companies. Our results of Multivariate Probit regression models reveal that company size and export activities play a significant positive role. Moreover, internal R&D expenditure and successful service innovation have a positive and statistically significant impact on the likelihood of participation in for-mal standardization processes which indicates that taking part in service standardization requires a certain absorptive capacity but is complementary to innovation activities. Based on the empirical results we derive implications both for managers of service companies and policy makers.
Driving Factors of Service Companies to Participate in Formal Standardization Processes: An Empirical Analysis (PDF Download Available). Available from:
Axel Mangelsdorf, BAM Federal Institute of Material Research and Testing, Germany