Case Study
Improving the quality of water through accreditation of QC and testing water SWA laboratories
Water sustainability is of utmost importance to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Water Authority (SWA) is a Saudi Government Corporation responsible for producing desalinated seawater and supplying various regions in the Kingdom with desalinated water. More than 16 testing and Quality Control (QC) water testing laboratories are accredited by SAAC, providing confidence through accredited testing reports in the quality of water for drinking, day-to-day use and also agriculture irrigation.
Water conservation has captured Saudi Arabia’s interest for decades. The SWA was established as an independent government entity in 1974. The organisation has locations throughout Saudi Arabia. In addition to effectively investing in and motivating human resources, its mission is to develop the desalination industry, meet customer needs for desalinated water more effectively and reliably at the lowest possible cost and the highest economic return, while also adhering to safety and environmental standards and promoting economic and social development.
16 of the SWA’s water testing laboratories were accredited in accordance with the international standard ISO/IEC 17025 after the organisation launched a comprehensive program to accredit testing and QC testing laboratories with SAAC’s support. Additionally, SAAC has accredited two of the organisation’s subcontracted water testing laboratories in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025. By obtaining SAAC accreditation, the SWA hopes to instil trust in the dependability and competence of its desalination process for seawater and other salty water sources.
Results and impact
SAAC accredited 16 testing water laboratories; personnel from these laboratories are more knowledgeable about good laboratory practices such as participation in proficiency testing/inter-laboratory comparisons (PT/ILC) laboratory programs, sampling methods, traceability of testing equipment to the metrology international chain, and the use of reference materials.
GM of Quality , Mr. Abdulrahman Mohammad Alaskar