Case Study
How Accredited services have had a positive and practical impact on The National Environmental Laboratory
The National Environmental Laboratory (NEL) operates under the Department of Environment of the Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity and Environment and Sustainable Development. Its main responsibilities include monitoring water, wastewater and ambient air quality to ensure compliance with the requirements of the National Environmental Standards, Guidelines and Regulations of the Environment Protection Act (EPA).
At its onset, the laboratory was not operating a formal quality management system, however in order to provide a better service, the need to implement a quality management system was evident. The NEL, boosted by the government policy, gained accredited certified to ISO 9001 in 2003. However, this certification, was not enough to ensure recognition of technical competence.
In 2006, NEL opted for implementation of ISO 17025 standard and within the next two years, with the support and commitment of the Ministry’s management, a quality management system complying with the requirements of MS ISO 17025 was put in place. Since January 2009, the NEL is accredited for tests (as per its scope of accreditation) on water and wastewater.
Documents and reports are easily traceable and results are admissible in a court of law. This has helped to increase public confidence in our results which implies better recognition in the quality of service being offered by the Ministry.
Further information is available on the Department website.